2. Deciding when to go back to work

The decision about when to go back to work may depend on how you are feeling, your physical health, finances, and work-related factors. Birth mothers who get paid maternity leave may not need to think about returning to work for some time.

When you are ready to think about going back to work, you need to contact your employer to discuss practical details. You may be offered, or want to request, a phased return to work. This could involve working only a few days a week or a few hours each day for the whole week. You could also explore the option of home working. If you have a full-time job, you could request part-time working for a short period of time. Although employers have a legal obligation to consider this, there is no legal obligation for them to accept the request.

Once you have agreed a date to return to work, you may find it helpful to talk to your manager or employer about how you are feeling and what might help you settle into the work environment. You could also ask to visit your workplace and meet up informally with your colleagues before you return to work. Think about how you might like to share the news with your manager or your colleagues and whether you would like to tell everyone directly or have your manager or a trusted colleague tell people on your behalf.

If you named your baby, you could share their name, anything you feel comfortable sharing about how they died, and anything else you feel is relevant for them to understand. Let your employer know if there is anything you would like them to do or communicate to colleagues that you feel would be helpful for you.

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