4. Over time

Your need for support may change over time as you begin to find a “new normal”. You will never forget your baby and life will grow around your memories and grief will feel less all-consuming. Grief is not a straight line and you may move backwards and forwards through the process with bad days when you least expect them.

There are many ways you can remember your baby and Sands’ website has examples of how people have turned their grief into another memory for their baby or another way of honouring them. What is important is that you give yourself the time and space you need to grieve and to move forward, which is different for everyone. You may undertake challenges or volunteer for a period of time and when you feel you need to step back it is not a sign of letting you baby go, or letting them down, but an important recognition of all that you have done and where you are now in your journey.

As with the early days of grief, you may find that you and those around you grieve in different ways and need different types of support or opportunities at different times. If you are worried about yourself and feeling that you are not coping, or have suddenly started to feel worse, please do reach out to Sands Bereavement Support team, or your GP or trusted health professional. Sudden changes in how you or those closest to you feel are signs that you need more support. It can be harder to reach out at these times and feel that you “should” be coping, particularly if time has passed, but grief is not a straight line or process and sometimes we need more help.

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